Call 111 for access to mental health support and advice from the NHS:

England - www.111.nhs.uk


Wales - www.111.wales.nhs.uk

Scotland - www.nhs24.scot


Give them a call on 116 123, sending them an email at jo@samaritans.org or writing a letter addressed to ‘Freepost SAMARITANS LETTERS’. You don’t need a stamp and remember to include a return address so Samaritans can reply to you (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland).

Contact a Samaritan.


A confidential, anonymous texting support service which can be accessed by texting ‘Shout’ to 85258 (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland).

Head to their website at www.giveusashout.org.


A crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing distress or despair in Northern Ireland.

Call 0808 808 8000.

Head to their website at www.lifelinehelpline.info.


All information here checked and correct as of 20th April 2023.

All four services are free to contact and available 24/7.

Ring 999 straight away if you feel you or someone you know is at risk of harm and need immediate help.

Please know you are not alone, you are loved and you bring things to this world that no one else can.

Look after you.